assortis electric
Je průtočný pasterizér na mléko, který se snaží o redukci pořizovací ceny a jednoduchosti výroby mléka nebo i sýru. Jednoduchost a nízké náklady byli prioritou při tvorbě toho stroje.
Brief description
Flow-through milk pasteurizer
ecoPASTO is a device designed for fast pasteurization of milk. It is an ideal facility for small cheese factories and mini-dairies. Fresh milk is quickly pasteurized for 30 seconds and then immediately cooled to a temperature suitable for immediate processing of milk into cheese, yogurt, etc. The whole process of pasteurization and cooling takes only a minute. Thanks to innovative technology, the device is energy-efficient and does not require a water source for operation.
Main advantages
pasterizéru EcoPASTO
No water is consumed during the pasteurization process. This is only needed for the initial filling of the hot water tank where it then remains closed in the circuit and also during the sanitation of the machine after pasteurization.
Thanks to the low electricity consumption, it is possible to supply the entire system from solar panels and thus operate it out of reach of the electricity source. Our company offers a pasteurizer alone or integrated into a container station equipped with everything you need, see ecoMILK STATION.
Díky čištění pomocí CIP (Cleaning in place technologie) je pasterizér vždy čistý a díky tomu se jeho životnost zvyšuje a také zamezuje výskytu nežádoucích bakterií a plísních v pasterizéru.
The pasteurizer is produced in three variants with an output of 200,500 or 2000L / hour. The largest of the pasteurizers is also equipped with an automatic control system, including a self-cleaning system after pasteurization is completed.
Napište nám a rádi vám pomůžeme s výběrem pasterizéru
Průtočného pasterizéru na mléko EcoPASTO

EcoPASTO 500
Cena na poptání
- Výkon - 500 l/h
- Spotřeba - 230 VAC / 750W
- Obsluha - automatická
- Vzdálené ovládání - ANO
- Teplotní ztráta - 20 °C
- Technická podpora
- a další vlastnosti

Project name: Development and research of a mobile milk collection station with data transfer to an Internet server and with an auction portal
Project registration number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_176/0015693
The project is implemented within the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness.
The aim of the project is to develop, design and verify an easily positionable and subsequently relocatable milk collection station with data transfer to an Internet server and an auction portal.
The outputs of the project will be
1) flow pasteurizer (without the need for water) - prototype
2) container technology of the collection station - storage output using freezing boxes - prototype
3) container technology of the collection station - cheese boiler output - prototype
4) software for milk sales, station condition monitoring and station management - software
The project is co-financed by the European Union